Wednesday, April 26, 2023

How to transfer your Firefox passwords to another computer

 Firefox helps users save a lot of time by optionally saving usernames and passwords for accounts created online.

If you need to copy all your username/password pairs saved on one computer (home) to another computer (job), there is a way. 

Here you can read how to get your Firefox portable, but if you don't want that and only want to copy your passwords, just follow the steps below.

Open Firefox on the source computer and click on the top-right symbol indicated below.

A menu will open, click Passwords.

You'll see a page with your  logins, where you can edit or remove your logins. In the top right corner you'll see 3 dots. Click on them and select Export logins. Click Export on the warning window that will open. You'll be prompted to enter your computer password and to select a destination for your logins file. The file will be a *.CSV file. DO NOT edit the file.

Copy the CSV file to the target computer. Open Firefox - must be the same version like the one on the source computer!! - to avoid data corruption.

By default, for security reasons importing passwords from a file is deactivated and thus invisible. Here is how to activate this option. In a new blank tab write this in the address field: about:config. There will be a warning. Click "Accept the risk and continue" to proceed. 

In the new field copy and paste this: and double-click the string to change its status to true. Close the preferences tab and take the steps from the beginning. When you get to Passwords you will see that the option "Import from a file|" appeared. click on it, select your CSV file and validate.You'll get a message when the import is ready.

That's it. You have all your username/password pairs on your target computer and saved a lot of time.

Build a free splashpage to promote your favorite program

For multiple reasons, when you want to promote your favorite affiliate program you might want or need to avoid promoting the program directly. You need a splash page. If you have required resources you can get a great one and host it on your server.

But what is to do if you need a free splash page, hosted free for you? There is a number of sites you can use to get a splash for free. One of these is It's an old, well-known traffic exchange site, that allow its members to have 3 free splash pages (or more if you upgrade your account).

Here is a sample:

You can select from some predefined templates and, with a little effort make a great splash page, or, you you are familiar with a little HTML, you can use your own design.

This type of splash page have the great advantage that you can track visitors source. Just add a short identifying text at the end of the link and see how much visitors you got from that source. 

Let's say I submit my splash page above to two traffic exchanges: TE1 and TE2. In the first TE I will submit this link and in the other TE I will submit

In my account I will be able to see how many visitors I got from TE1 and how many from TE2. 

This is very useful when you need to identify most reliable traffic sources, saving you money and efforts.

Statistics will look like in the picture below.

How to create an internet shortcut file - *.URL

    Sometimes, while browsing the web you may find an interesting website. You are in a hurry, but you want to get some more details about that website at a later time. What can you do? Create a bookmark, of course [Ctrl+D in almost all browsers]. 

But what if you want to create a shortcut outside your browser? There are two ways to create such a shortcut.

The easiest way is to select the whole hyperlink, grab it with your mouse, drag and release it on your desktop. You can rename it to something memorable (do not remove the URL extension).

Another way to create an internet shortcut is this:

- open a new text file - use Notepad or similar;

- in that file, on the first row write [InternetShortcut]

- hit Enter and on the second row write URL= followed by the hyperlink you want to save

(if you want to make a shortcut to this blog write URL=;

- save the file then rename it to whateveryouwant.URL (it doesn't matter if it's capital or not).

That's it. Now, when you double-click on this file your default browser will open (if it's not opened already) and will open your saved link in a new tab/window.

What's the use of this? I saw it used by some affiliate marketers in an attempt to mask an affiliate link (combined with redirection) - they include such file - like "Double-click-for-a-cool-bonus.URL" in the package you can download after a purchase.

Monday, April 24, 2023

How to properly use LeadsLeap to track your links

 LeadsLeap is a website which offers great services and tools for online marketers. One of the most popular tool is the link tracker.

When you create a link tracker you get something like this:

What is very interesting about this link is that it offers the possibility to track the visits you get, helping you a lot to optimize your promotional efforts.


...Why I'm writing this post? Because I run a text ad exchange and a few free advertising sites and I see that a lot. People submitting ads to my sites are simply ignoring this useful feature, I just can't understand why, it is very clearly explained on the site.

How it works? Just add a text to the end of the link, indicating your source of traffic. Let's say you want to promote this link on three places: a traffic exchange=HungryForHits, a viral and a free adboard. All you have to do is to insert text clues at the end of the link, like this: and

After the campaign is ended, you can see what site performed better and use it again, dropping sites that performed bad.

So, why is this useful? It's very simple, because I see from these stats that I need to quit using HungryforHits - the biggest number of visits with no results and concentrate on afftraffsite, (which by the way is because it brought me a subscriber to my list, despite the much smaller number of visitors.

Do not shoot in the dark, target your campaign for better results.

So, in the image above you can see some interesting stats. But what is Convert A and Convert B? I'll explain these in another article.